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Refunds & Returns

Returns Procedure (UK):

If you are a UK customer and wish to return your item, head over to our Returns Center to carry out the following steps:

To begin the process, enter the email address that the products were ordered with, along with your order number. Your order number is located on your invoice which is emailed to you once your order has been processed. Can't find your order number? Not to worry! Simply drop our customer service team an email and they will be able to locate your order number for you.

Once you have entered the required information, click search.

You will then be issued with a returns label which can be printed off at the post office and use on the front of the package. Once your return has been taken by your local post office it will be immediately be brought back to our warehouse.

Please Note...

Returns are only valid 30 days (for UK orders) after the order has been delivered.All UK returns and exchanges are free of charge provided you process your return through our Returns Center.

What Items Are Returnable?

You can return your items within 30 days of receiving your order.

Items must be in original condition with no damages to the product or the packaging. Do not stick anything on Shoe Boxes/Original Bags as this will void your return.

Clothing must be unwashed and unworn

Items must be returned in original packaging

All items that are being returned must be clean and in the same condition, they were when they left our warehouse. If an item arrives dirty then we are unable to process your return request. The product will then be returned to you at your own cost. This clause is in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. We will not accept returns on any form of undergarments.

Custom made products are non refundable.

Returns Procedure (International):

You can return your items within 45 days of receiving your order.

If you are one of our international customers and would like to return one of your items please send us an email to support@gsequestrian.com and a member of our customer service team will be in touch with you about how to return your item/s.

*All terms and conditions for our returns still apply to international returns (please see section above)

What Happens Next (Replacement)?

It is a long established fact that a reader wilaOnce we have received your product this will be processed as below:If you would like an exchange and the item is in stock at our warehouse, we will endeavour to get the item shipped to you within 48 hours. However, if the item you have requested is out of stock, you will be refunded.l be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English.

What Happens Next (Refund)?

If you would like a refund instead of an exchange, then the process will go as follows:

Similar to an exchange, Once we have received your product this will be processed as below;

Once we have received the item back, we will examine the issue. If it is a fault on the supplier's behalf then we will raise an immediate investigation with them. A full refund can be expected within 14 days of us receiving the returned item. The refund will go back onto the card that was used to make the purchase via credit, debit or PayPal.

Please note that donations are non-refundable.

If you require any more information on the process then please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team by following this link. The website says we are closed? Don't worry! We can still be contacted via our Facebook page as well as our 'contact us' page.

Royal Mail Consumer Collection Now Available

We've been working very closely with Royal Mail over the past few weeks and we are pleased to announce that we now offer Consumer Collect for our Returns Service.

This means that you can have your package returned to us without even needing to leave the house! Simply arrange for a Royal Mail delivery driver to come and pick up your package when you would like and it will be shipped straight to us.

During these unprecedented times we felt it was important to provide this service with no extra charge so it is completely free to use.

How To Use Royal Mail Consumer Collection

Once you have generated your Returns Label on Royal Mails website there will be an option to book a pick up collection with a Royal Mail delivery driver. You will need your tracking number and the weight of your parcel. Once you have put in this information you will then be able to put in your personal details and arrange for a driver to come and pick up your parcel, easy!

Learn More: https://www.royalmail.com/collection

Want To Cancel Your Order?

We understand that from time to time orders may need to be cancelled or quantities of certain items may need to be lowered for multiple reasons. Regardless of the reasons, we will always accept the change, as long as the change is made in the first 24 hours after placing your order. If the change is made any later than the first 24 hours, we will not be able to rectify the change and you will still be charged for the original worth of the order. If you still wish to change your order after this then you would need to go through our returns and exchange procedure.

Lost Or Damaged Items?

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that your item arrives in a timely and un-damaged manner by using reputable carriers, things can go wrong. Any claim for loss or damage in transit will be subject to our claims procedure and thoroughly investigated by ourselves, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, DPD & DHL. If your delivery is not correct you have 3 working days from the day of delivery to report this to us for investigation.

Faulty Item?

If you receive a faulty or damaged item then please contact our customer service team immediately so that we can get this sorted for you, explaining the fault of the item so that we can help you in the best way possible. In incredibly unlikely circumstances, we may ask you for an image as proof of a fault to then send on to our suppliers so that an investigation can be raised as to why the fault occurred. If this is the case then our customer service team will simply ask you to email them a clear image of the fault so that they can then forward that on for you.

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