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Is your horse healthy and hygienic?

Is your horse healthy and hygienic?

The heart of equestrianism lies in the well-being of two creatures, the horse rider and the horse. And while one can confirm that they are fit for horse riding, how do we determine the same for horses?

As majestic as the creatures appear from their physical structure, it is important to look beneath the surface, and learn how to prolong their health by means of hygiene, protection, and a healthy bonding.

In this article, we will unravel the significance of both realms and offer insights into the holistic well-being of our equine friends.


The very first thing to prioritize is maintaining a comfortable environment. Much like humans, horses thrive in clean and natural environment, preferably, with more equine companions.

A regular upkeep of stables, constant removal of manure, and the recourse of fresh bedding comprise the perfect environment for your horse. Beyond aesthetics, a hygienic environment serves as a shield against bacterial and fungal infestations, respiratory ailments, and parasitic onslaughts.

Moreover, it fosters psychological equilibrium, alleviating stress and enhancing overall comfort. While this looks like a basic requirement and nothing more, it can propel your equine’s performance. 


Right behind hygiene comes grooming, which can alleviate your bond with the horse in multi-fold ways. Not only does the daily grooming and caring help the horse stay healthy, but also enhance their physiological and psychological health. It is recommended that at least some grooming activities should be done by the rider/handler to help build a strong bond.

Grooming serves as a safeguard against skin irritations, yielding healthy circulation, and detecting injuries and anomalies early on. A well-groomed steed not only exudes vitality but also radiates warmth, courtesy of its insulating coat.

Hoof Care

An equestrian rule-of-thumb says "no hoof, no horse". Apart from making your equine look lavishing, a healthy hoof serves essential purposes. Regular hoof picking and cleaning thwart the harmful accumulation of debris, reducing the risk of infections such as thrush and abscesses.

 Additionally, routine trimming and shoeing, from the hands of a farrier, facilitate equilibrium upon the hoof structure, ensconcing the horse in a realm of comfort and stability.

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene, oftentimes neglected, has immense importance in equine care. Dental ill-being can cause a wide range of health issues, damaging the horse's overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups, complemented by regular floating to rectify sharp points and irregularities, prevent dental anomalies.

Proper oral-hygiene also helps with uninterrupted mastication and optimal nutrient absorption. Moreover, a balanced diet, supplemented by clean water, augments oral health, are all connected with oral care. 

Proper Equipment

Beyond the confines of physical grooming lies the need for sanitized equipment and accessories. Saddles, bridles, blankets, and grooming implements, when unkempt, turn into breeding grounds for pathogens.

Regular cleaning and disinfection rituals prevent the spread of bacteria, fungi, and parasites, removing discomfort and dermatological afflictions in equines.

Note: this article is not written by a dermatologist/vet. Kindly consult with them for further support, or understanding what is best for your horse.


In summation, the requirement for equine wellness overpowers just the mere aesthetics; it embodies a healthy bond between the horse and the rider. A safe stable, and well-rounded grooming of a horse and prove to be of exponential use in your bonding and performance.

Happy riding!

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