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Summer Equine Care Tips: Keeping Your Horse Calm and Healthy

Summer Equine Care Tips: Keeping Your Horse Calm and Healthy

As summer approaches, the temperatures will get higher than usual, which means you need to take extra care of your horses. Domesticated horses especially need additional care, including regular checkups, hoof care, and keeping a check on their psychological patterns since they are devoid of companionship with other horses.

Besides, it can get overwhelming for a beginner equestrian to maintain perfect conditions for their horse and keep up with things. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a new equestrian, these care tips will help you keep your horse healthy and content:

Hydration Matters

  • Water: Provide fresh, cool water at all times. Dehydration can lead to serious health issues.
  • Electrolytes: Consider adding electrolyte supplements to your horse’s diet, especially after intense workouts.

Shade and shelter

  • Stable: Ensure your horse has access to a well-ventilated stable or shelter during peak sun hours.
  • Trees or Canopies: If your horse spends time outdoors, provide natural shade using trees or portable canopies.

Sunscreen for horses? Absolutely!

  • Nose and Ears: Apply equine-safe sunscreen to sensitive areas like the nose and ears.
  • Light-Coloured Coats: Light-coloured horses are more prone to sunburn, so consider using protective sheets or fly masks.

Cooling Techniques

  • Hose Down: After riding or exercising, hose your horse down to cool them off. Focus on the neck, chest, and legs.
  • Wet Towels: Place wet towels on your horse’s back to dissipate heat.

Fly Control

  • Fly Sheets and Masks: Invest in fly sheets and masks to protect your horse from pesky insects. Find some lightweight fly rugs here. 
  • Fly Spray: Regularly apply fly repellent to keep those buzzing bugs at bay.

Adjust Riding Times

  • Early Mornings or Late Evenings: Ride during cooler parts of the day to avoid heat stress.
  • Avoid Midday Riding: The sun is harshest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Foot Care

  • Hoof Hygiene: Regularly clean and inspect hooves. Dry, cracked hooves can worsen in hot weather.
  • Avoid Hot Surfaces: Be cautious on scorching asphalt or sand; it can burn your horse’s hooves.

Nutrition and grazing

  • Grass Quality: Monitor pasture grass quality. In extreme heat, grass may lose nutrients.
  • Supplements: Consult your vet about necessary dietary adjustments for the summer.

Cooling Accessories

  • Cooling Vests: Some horses benefit from cooling vests that help regulate body temperature.
  • Misters and Fans: Install misters or fans in the stable for added comfort.

Watch for heat stress signs

  • Heavy Panting
  • Lethargy
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Sweating Profusely

Remember, a healthy horse is a happy horse. By following these summer care tips, you can be assured that your equine partner enjoys the season just like you are planning to. Happy riding!

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